Transforming lives through
adapted movement
TIMA Tamariki
Tamariki TIMA is a specifically tailored adapted physical activity program for kids aged 5-12 years old who have a disability. This after school session provides kids with a “different ability” to feel safe to explore movement skills in an environment adapted uniquely for their needs. With high ratios of adult instructors and junior TIMA Leaders supporting, the participants enjoy movement to music, modified warm ups, tag games, motor skill learning, socialisation and team building activities.
Tuesdays 3.30-4.30 during term time.
Holiday programs
Avon Hub Gym
TIMA Rangitahi
Rangatahi Programs include Thursday night Basketball which runs every Thursday night during the school term as well as holiday programs. Basketball became a regular weekly activity due to the popularity of this game during Holiday Programs.
Approximately18 participants enjoy improving their skills, game play and how to socialise. Groups are coached according to their ability level and have some integrated players joining in. Bradley Garner (Special Olympics NZ Rep) and Matt Vernick (NZ BASKETBALL Inclusion Officer and Canterbury Youth Coach) are regular coaches who help run these sessions.
Thursday night Basketball 5-6pm- During term time
Holiday Programs