Kia ora my name is Kaye Nordstrom

I am the Director of TĪMA NZ Charitable Trust. I am a registered High School Teacher of Physical Education and Health. I have worked with tamariki with disabilities for 25 years. My formal qualification is a Bachelor of Education, Diploma of teaching. I have qualifications in post graduate Practical Counselling, Level 6 Risk Management and Level 1 Te Reo Māori. I have taught at multiple schools in New Zealand. I represented NZ and Oceania in Javelin and these days I am a busy mamma of two beautiful girls, one of whom has a disability. I have a passion for water sports, basketball and fishing.

The Beginning

TĪMA was a vision that began in 2015 while I was teaching Physical Education and Health at Avonside Girls’ High School in Otautahi / Christchurch. In 2001 I created a disability unit in our senior Physical Education Leadership Class. This unit soon became my favourite to teach, an adapted physical activity program, where our year 13 students learnt about health promotion through the context of disability, physical education and sport. Our Leadership students created adapted programs for groups of students from our school and nearby schools who had disabilities. This program was also integrated, whereby our year 13s moved and played alongside the participants with disabilities. This powerful kaupapa made us realise that there was a huge need for such a program and that there was a massive disparity between what was being offered to able bodied/ neurotypical students and those who had disabilities. We became passionate about the value of such a program and the need for this type of opportunity to be offered in the community and within schools on a regular basis.


Our first few holiday programs started with 7 or 8 rangatahi. Seven years later TĪMA has grown and now has weekly programs for Tamariki and Rangatahi, school holiday programs and an integrated Basketball Club that fields two teams that compete in a regular mixed gender social league competition during Term 1 and 4. TĪMA has provided specialised programs for over 150 Canterbury families so far. In 2024 we are working on introducing new TĪMA programs, so watch this space.


The TĪMA leadership program provides mentoring and leadership training opportunities for anyone aged 8 and above. It has employed over 8 people, part time. Two of our employees have a disability and are excellent leaders. In April 2023 TIMA was nominated for an award in the Sport Canterbury Inclusion and Diversity Category in the annual awards.

Our Motto


Today I’m more Active!

Tomorrow I’m more Awesome!

Together it’s more Achievable!


Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kapuia, e kore e whati

When we stand alone we are vulnerable but together we are unbreakable

Kaye Nordstrom